I've loved animals ever since I can remember. Growing up I had a Dalmatian, Half-Moon Conure, Parakeets, rats, turtles, frogs and whatever else I could catch. I always enjoyed learning about mammals, reptiles and birds and had quite the collection of books. I knew someday that I would want my own dog that I could raise from puppyhood. In February 2013 I brought home my gorgeous 16 week old American Akita whom I named Kumason. I named him Kumason because in Japanese that means bear and he looks like a white polar bear. He is the most amazing, loyal, loving, silly and fantastic dog! We spend a lot of time together and I enjoy taking him places. In 2016, I got another Akita whom I named Himeko meaning Little Princess. Kumason and Himeko are best friends and love playing together. I also have a family of five beautiful chinchillas. In the summer of 2008, I purchased my first chinchilla, a female whom I named Mallory when she was about 5 months old. About 6 months later I decided to get her a playmate. I bought a male and named him Spike. When I tried to introduce them, they did not like each other so I had to keep them in separate cages next to each other. Finally, after about 3 months, I was able to put them together. When I came home from picking up my daughter from the movies one night, I had a furry little surprise waiting for me at the bottom of the cage. I named him Baby. I did not even know that Mallory was pregnant! Then, you guessed it, 100 days later, the same thing happened. This time, there were two more kits. I named them Enzo and Ferruccio. The three kits were males. I had the father and offspring all neutered. They are a happy little jumpy family who eat anything in sight including the floor and walls.